Goring CE Primary: EYFS Curriculum Intent Statement:

At Goring C of E Primary School, we recognise all children are unique and put children at the heart of everything we do. Our EYFS curriculum is open-ended and provides experiences that build on children’s prior knowledge and interests, ensuring that they develop the skills and knowledge needed to progress and reach their full potential.

EYFS Implementation:

The EYFS curriculum is planned in units, each beginning with an open-ended question designed to ignite interest and curiosity. The unit will begin with a ‘hook’, such as a story or object with suggested activities planned for each curriculum area. Running alongside the unit is a knowledge and skills progression, which will be woven into the plans according to the direction the children take the theme.

The knowledge and skills are developed by providing:

  • a safe and secure learning environment that allows children to develop positive relationships with adults and peers. 
  • high quality continuous provision for all 7 areas of the curriculum which are enhanced and developed according to the children’s interest and skill requirements. 
  • a learning environment that promotes independences, allowing children to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
  • learning experiences that draw upon the community in which the children live and their cultural backgrounds and build on the characteristics of effective learning.
  • high quality interactions with adults that impact on the progress of all children and enrich their learning by modelling, questioning and developing language skills. 
  • time for children to practise and consolidate skills and develop knowledge through child initiated learning and play.
  • effective feedback to help facilitate next steps in learning and to develop children’s own skills to become reflective learners.
  • a curriculum that meets the needs of all children through discussions with parents and observations made at home and school.
  • a balance of child-initiated and adult-directed activities throughout the week which is adapted throughout the year to meet the needs of the children.


Story time ~ Children will experience a range of different quality text selected to develop children’s understanding of the world and different cultures, to enhance vocabulary and to explore the children’s own interests with the aim to nurture ‘a life-long love of reading’.  

Phonics ~ Phonics is an integral part of all teaching at Goring CE Primary School and we build firm foundations for understanding and using phonics in reading and writing in EYFS. We regularly send home and use phonetically decodable texts to review and revise phonemes that have been taught.

Maths ~ We follow the Maths Mastery approach with an emphasis on studying key skills of number, calculation and shape so that pupils develop deep understanding and the acquisition of mathematical language. 

Collective worship ~ Our Christian faith is at the heart of all aspects of collective worship and school life. Initially the children will begin this as a carpet session and when ready as part of the whole school community.


PE ~ Children will have 2 weekly sessions that are planned to develop skills in negotiating space, strength, balance and coordination. These sessions will either be gym or games based.  

Hand gym ~ Children will have directed tasks to develop fine motor skills which will include using scissors and developing pincer skills.

Music ~ Children will have the opportunity to explore sound, play percussion instruments and learn songs linked to current themes and interests.


We aim that all children will make accelerated progress from their starting point and reach their full potential. That children at Goring CE Primary will be ready to move on to the next part of their educational journey as reflective, independent, articulate, creative and inquisitive learners.