
My name is Mrs Brewer and I can’t wait for you to join Osprey class. The supportive Ms Smith will also be here to help you learn and achieve your best.

So what does this year have in store? Well, we are going to be exploring the furthest reaches of space, travelling back in time to discover why the Tudors were terrible and exploring Ancient Greece and its impact on us today. We are also going to be learning about how our local town of Worthing has changed over time and how it is significantly different to our capital city (London). Hopefully, before the year is out, we may even be able to visit London to carry out our own research!

We hope you have got determination, perseverance and a hard-working attitude. If you have, you are certainly ready for a new school year and the exciting challenges of Year 5!


Research some famous bridges around the world.

Listen to your favourite song – can you write your own song lyrics in a similar style?

Use Read Theory to boost your reading power.

Complete the Spelling Shed and spag.com activities set every week by your teacher.


Use the Get Outside app from Ordnance survey to plan some exciting days out with your family and build your map-reading skills!

The new GetOutside app is here! | OS GetOutside (ordnancesurvey.co.ukART


Do you know what a fraction is? Could you explain your definition to somebody else? What about percentage and decimal equivalents? What are the rules for adding and subtracting fractions (with the same denominator)?

Work through the My Maths homework tasks set every week by your teacher.


Research famous London buildings and architecture. See if you can sketch or make a model to bring in for our display.


Investigate the life span of different tree species. Which trees have the longest life span and which have the shortest. Can you find out why? Look at the UK and foreign species too.

Suggested Reading

Updated: 18/01/2024 16.39 MB