Hello and welcome to Puffin Class! 

My name is Mrs Whittaker and I am going to be your teacher.  I am really looking forward to a wonderful year in our classroom! Our teaching assistant will be the lovely Mrs Hughes, who many of you already know from Year 3.

In Puffin class, I encourage all children to be happy, confident and independent learners.  I like all the children to try their best at ALL times, to be kind, helpful and resilient, and to keep our classroom neat and tidy. I love to read, and I would like all the children in my class to love books and reading as much as I do.

There is a lot to look forward to in Year 4! We have some very exciting learning ahead. To kick-start we are learning about how rivers are formed in geography. In the autumn term we also get to go on a residential visit to Lodge Hill Activity Centre, which will be a fantastic way for you to bond as a team and overcome challenges in a supportive and fun environment – plus, the food is awesome! At Christmas, our year group leads the carol service at the Church.

In the spring term will also put on a musical production, which you will perform to the school and your parents and carers at the Church Hall.

In the summer, you will become experts in history as you learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and how the country of England came to be. We will visit Butser Ancient Farm to find out more about what life was like in the early mediaeval period.

What an exciting year we will have! I look forward to finding out all about you, and I can’t wait to start our learning adventure together!

English & Computing

  • Write a poem about your body.
  • Research information about your body (digestion, teeth, hearing etc) and how it works. Create a PowerPoint to teach the class about what you have found out.
  • Don’t forget to practise your spellings every week on EdShed!


Practice multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100. As you multiply and divide, look for and see if you can spot what happens to the decimal point and place value of each digit.

Think about…

What do you have to do to make tenths?

What do you have to do to make hundredths?

Find and make a list or fractions around your home. Remember fractions need to be an equal part of a whole – do you have a window that represents ½ or floor tiles that show a fraction. Go on a fraction hunt!

More Maths Fun!

You can also find lots of other fun maths games to play on:

Suggested Reading

Updated: 18/01/2024 17.61 MB

Art & DT

Native American culture believes that both good and bad dreams fill the air at night. The dreamcatcher has become widely adopted by Native Americans because they believe it is a way to protect people from nightmares and bad dreams. Have a look at different designs of dreamcatchers – then see if you can design and make your own.


Find out about some musicians who come from America – what style of music do they do?

Find out about the “Home of country Music” – Nashville, Tennessee! Home | Nashville, Tennessee | Country Music Hall of Fame

Maths - Times tables

Practise your times tables up to 12x12. You need to be fluent and quick by the end of the year!

Click the links to play some great multiplication games!


Where did the Pilgrims go? Why did they go there? Find out all about the Mayflower voyage and what happened when the Pilgrims set off for the new land. You could write a story, draw pictures, or create a play about this important piece in American history.

What else can you find out about the history of the United States of America?


  • Investigate how different materials act as conductors for sound. What materials can you hear through the best? What ones the worst? If you were to choose a material to create your own ear muffs, what material would you chose and why?
  • Look at the teeth of animals that are herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. What do you notice?


Choose a state from the USA to research. You could find out about:

  • Geographical features (mountains, lakes, rivers etc)
  • Major cities
  • Landmarks / tourist attractions / things you could do in that state
  • Population
  • Land area of the state
  • When did it join the USA? (Hawaii and Alaska joined quite late!)
  • What does the state flag look like?
  • Is there a state animal/bird? (North Carolina has a cardinal!)
  • What sports teams are supported in the state?

We are sure you can think of many more things to find out. As an extra challenge you could compare this state to another state, or even compare this state to somewhere you know well in the UK.