Welcome to Kingfisher Class!

Mrs Finlay is the teacher of Kingfisher Class. Joining us will be the lovely Mrs Christodoulou as our Teaching Assistant. Mrs Christodoulou will be supporting you with your learning as well as supervising your playtimes. She will also be your Midday Meals Supervisor.

Year 3 is full of exciting, fun things to learn about! From rainforests, food and mountains in Geography, travelling through prehistoric times in History, Scratch and Animation in our Computing lessons, to Plants and Light in Science and plenty more to keep you busy! We love to have story times together, reading a wide range of literature and our whole class reading books are fantastic. We are passionate about working outdoors when possible. We also love to be active with great PE lessons and of course, to challenge ourselves on the Daily Mile. Over the year, we have some inspiring visitors planned to make our learning come alive. We finish our time together in Year 3, with our awesome camping trip together on the school field!

In Kingfisher Class, we ask that each child takes responsibility for their own learning and behaviour to help us work together as a TEAM. We ask that you try your best, explore new learning and use the amazing skills you have learnt in each of the different subjects we do. As a class, it is our aim to demonstrate the Goring School Values at all times and we enjoy celebrating when members of the Kingfisher team go above and beyond to show these.


Make a rocket launch by using pneumatics! 

How to make a Bottle Rocket - Full Instructions (science-sparks.com)


Choose 5 foods in your kitchen and find out where they have come from!

What is your favourite dinner, where do all the foods come from?


Write a prayer to share with the class.


Create your own 4 beat movement rhythms. Repeat three times and show to the class.  


Practise your French speaking skills - Ask the members of your family what their names are in French!


Make your own fridge magnets!

9 Colorful And Fun DIY Magnets For Kids - Shelterness

Enjoy your home learning! We look forward to seeing all the results!


Create your own complimentary colour hand art!


Cissbury Ring in Findon used to be a hillfort.

Make your own hillfort think about what it would be like in the Iron Age

Suggested Reading

Updated: 18/01/2024 19.33 MB