Hello and welcome to Woodpecker Class! 

My name is Mrs Allen and I am your teacher.  Mrs Taylor is the teaching assistant in our class. We are really looking forward to teaching you and going on lots of adventures in learning.  

We want our classroom to build on your time in Reception and be full of fun and inspirational opportunities for you to take your own learning further. We have lots of lovely resources to use and a wonderful outdoor area for you to explore in too. We like Woodpecker Class children to be respectful and kind and to always try their best. 

In Year 1, we will learn lots of exciting things! In the Autumn term, we find out about our amazing bodies and get a visit from some animals to help us with our science learning. We also work on our drawing skills in art and learn about how toys have changed over time in history. In the Spring term, we learn about the United Kingdom in geography, make a vehicle with wheels and axles in DT and learn how to stay safe and healthy in PSHE.  In the Summer term, we find out more about our local area, make yummy fruit kebabs and even visit the beach!  

What an exciting year we're going to have - we can't wait to get started on our learning journey together! 

Sketch a picture from your bedroom window

Look out of your bedroom window, what can you see? Sketch what you can see. Underneath write a list of all the things you can see. Use your sounds to help you spell!

Bring it into school for a sticker!

Make your own Weather Station

Make your own weather station. It needs to measure how much rainfall and whether the wind in blowing. You may even be able to show which direction the wind is blowing in! You could use cardboard boxes, juice cartons or sticks and wood. Be creative as you like! Bring in your weather station into school and we will test it.

Geography Challenge

Look at a world map and see if you can find the UK and its 4 countries (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Can you find out about the flags of each country and draw them? Maybe you can find and write down some interesting facts?

Bring into school for a sticker!

Be a Weather Presenter!

Watch a weather forecast on the television. Write your own weather report and practise being on television and being a weatherboy or weathergirl. You can use any pictures or props to help you! Bring it into school to perform to the class.

Your class will decide how many stickers you should get!!

An Imaginary World….

Draw a map of an imaginary world. What would it be called? What animals would live there? What would the houses be like? Let your imagination run wild….

Bring into school for a sticker!

Writing Challenge

What can you write about this picture? What is happening? How did it happen? Perhaps you could write a story, or describe what the children can see from the wings of the plane?

Bring into school for a sticker!

Suggested Reading

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Keep a weather diary for a week

Keep a daily diary of the weather for one week. What pictures will you draw? Will you record the temperature? Try and add words to describe what the weather is like.

Bring your diary into school for a sticker!

Maths Challenge

A healthy maths game to keep you fit and practise your counting. How many of these can you do in a  minute?

How many jumps?

How many star jumps?

How many sit ups?

How many times can you touch your toes?

Record your answers and bring into school.

Science Challenge

Have a look around your house for objects and the materials they are made from. Can you make a list of objects that contain the following materials?

  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Fabric
  • Rubber
  • Paper

Bring into school for a sticker!