Hello! My name is Mrs Smith and I am one of the Reception teachers in the Early Years Foundation Stage. My class is called Robin class and my teaching assistant is Mrs Laverty. We work together with the other teachers in Finch class to make sure learning is lots of fun. We are lucky to have plenty of space indoors and outdoors in which to learn. There are many exciting things to do and explore in our environment.

Each term we plan a different learning journey. In the Autumn term our learning journey starts with ‘What is it like to be me?  In the second half of the term we learn about ’Why do things change colour?’  In the Spring term we journey through our themes ‘What shall I wear?’ and ‘What’s inside?’. In the Summer term our journey starts with ‘Who’s prints are these?’ and we finish the year with ‘Why was the world created?’

Our learning journeys are a little different each year because we like to make sure we have time to learn about the things you are interested in too.

Mrs Smith

Sort the washing

Help sort the washing into different groups according to different criteria. E.g. clothes that are patterned, clothes made from wool. 


Help sort the washing. Can you match the socks?

Count up how many pairs of socks you have. Now count them in sets of two e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8

Who has the longest socks? Who has the shortest socks?

What can you make out of a sock? Bring your creation to school to share.


Explore filling different containers. Which one holds the most? Which one holds the least? How do you know? 

Spring Walk

Go on a Spring walk with your family. What signs of Spring can you see?

Take photos or draw and label them and bring them into school to share.

Click here to view - Helping your child develop an effective pencil grip


Empty Mummy or Daddy’s purse. Can you sort and name the coins?

Make sure you put all the coins back!

Technology count

What technology can you find in your house? Can you take photos or draw pictures? Find out how they work?

Indoor games

Play a board game that involves using to dice. Can you add the number of spots together? Try playing the game with numbered dice. Can you say the stem sentence?